When sensitive digital data simply can’t leave your business, choose secure media destruction
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Secure Media Destruction
Sometimes, sensitive data simply can’t leave your business. When it comes to digitally stored data, it’s important not to take any unnecessary risks. Instead you should make sure that your data has been destroyed before it leaves your premises. Of course, deleting data from your hard drive just isn’t going to cut it, but what are your other options?
At Greenaway we are specialists in handling the destruction of digital media, such as hard drives, CD drives and even complete computers – all in a completely secure manner. We have invested in a selection of state of the art media shredders, capable of completely destroying anything from a sim card to a desktop computer. You don’t have to worry about anyone intercepting your machines before they are destroyed, or pulling information from hard drives. Our shredding lorries will come to your location and feed your items directly into the machinery, shredding them beyond recognition or use. Of course, you don’t always have to shred the entire machine – if you want to recoup some costs you can simply remove the hard drives from the machine (which is where all of the data is stored) and sell on the shell for a profit, without having to worry about someone else getting their hands on your data.
Our secure media destruction services guarantee 100% data destruction, and meet all Government standards for data destruction and sanitization among businesses. We provide you with a certificate of destruction on completion of shredding, so you can ensure complete traceability and compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Our mobile media destruction equipment can physically destroy any type of computer equipment, no matter what size, to ensure your secure data is completely irrecoverable.
To find out more about our secure media destruction services, or to book your call out, get in touch with us today.